Are You a Disciple of Jesus?
Watch Vids | Are You a Disciple of Jesus?
Are You a Disciple of Jesus?
3 Part Video Series
All Christians—at one time or another—will likely question their salvation in Christ Jesus.
Can you be certain that you are one of His disciples? What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to sit at the feet of Jesus? What does a lifestyle look like of someone living for Christ Jesus, and how will that grow into a lifestyle of sharing Jesus and discipling others?
This 3 part series will not only answer the most basic questions about your salvation, but will also give you insight regarding how to live out your faith in Jesus.

Are You a Disciple of Jesus? | Part 1
Pastor Clayton Wilfer | Senior Pastor of JOY Church
If you have a difficult time answering the question “Am I a disciple of Jesus?”, then you are in the majority. If going to church or belonging to a certain denomination does not make you a disciple of Jesus, then what does? In Part 1 of this series, you will learn what a disciple of Jesus is and what one is not.

Are You a Disciple of Jesus? | Part 2
Pastor Clayton Wilfer | Senior Pastor of JOY Church
At the end of Part 1, you were left with a challenging question: “Are you a disciple of Jesus?”. In Part 2, you will learn what is means to sit at the feet of Jesus and discover 3 important questions to ask while spending time in the Bible.

Are You a Disciple of Jesus? | Part 3
Pastor Clayton Wilfer | Senior Pastor of JOY Church
In Part 2, we discovered what it means to sit at the feet of Jesus. In this 3rd, and final, part you will ascertain more regarding how Christ-followers are supposed to live lives plus how actively living a life dedicated to Jesus naturally leads to reaching the lost with the saving love of Christ Jesus.