
Watch Vids | Overcome


Multi-Part Video Series

We all face a variety of challenges that life throws at us. These internal struggles often reveal themselves outwardly to those around us and have the potential to tear us apart if we don’t find the means to overcome them. This ongoing series addresses how to combat anger, impatience, fear, discouragement and a litany of other struggles people face and provide biblically-based answers to help overcome and win these battles.

Each video’s length is under 10 minutes, yet packed full of wisdom and helpful tools to help you overcome your struggles.

*Additional topics will be added as we complete them.

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Overcome Anger

Dr. Josh Anderson | Director of Grand Canyon Theological Seminary

Anger tends to act like a fuel that leads to an out of control fire. Learn some very helpful tools to overcome living out this destructive life-path that, if left unaddressed, will lead to broken relationships.

[Length: 08:53]

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Overcome Brokenness

Dr. Josh Anderson | Director of Grand Canyon Theological Seminary

We have all dealt with times in life that completely breaks us emotionally or spiritually. So, how do we recognize the brokenness in life, and how do we overcome it?

[Length: 05:28]

Overcome Discouragement by Dr. Bobby Brewer
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Overcome Discouragement

Dr. Bobby Brewer [1964-2024] | Author & Pastor. Doctorate – Phoenix Seminary

The most famous of Bible personalities had to deal with discouragement, and we are no exception. The question is how to deal with it? Learn how to lean into God, and start fortifying your faith.

[Length: 07:02]

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Overcome Doubt

Dr. Darryl DelHousaye | Pastor Emeritus of Scottsdale Bible & Chancellor of Phoenix Seminary

Do you find yourself questioning your faith? In this short video, you will discover where many of your doubts come from, how to overcome them and how to actively strengthen your faith in God.

[Length: 03:23]

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Overcome Fear

Dr. Bobby Brewer [1964-2024] | Author & Pastor. Doctorate – Phoenix Seminary

Fear has the ability to stop us right in our tracks and completely immobilize us. It can even debilitate us with regards to God’s plans for us. Learn 3 ways to get unstuck from the trappings of fear.

[Length: 05:11]

Overcome Hatred
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Overcome Hatred

Willie Dudley | Director of Men’s & Marriage Ministries at SBC – Fountain Hills

It is important to love what God loves and hate what He hates. Unfortunately, and far too often, we get it backwards and end up hating the very things God loves. In this short video, Willie Dudley shares how the Bible instructs us to overcome hatred.

[Length: 06:57]

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Overcome Impatience

Pastor Clayton Wilfer | Senior Pastor of JOY Church

Do you find yourself getting easily irritated or impatient with others? In this short video, you will learn a most unexpected solution for becoming more patient with people who challenge you.

[Length: 06:27]

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Overcome Negativity

Pastor Rich Griffith | Campus Pastor of SBC – Fountain Hills

Do you tend to beat yourself down with negative thoughts or feel like all the world has to offer is bad news? Learn a simple, yet very effective way to shift your thought patterns to being more positive.

[Length: 06:36]

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Overcome Worry

Kelly Morris | Licensed Christian Psychotherapist

Are you feeling overwhelmed with worry and anxiety? Learn how you can put aside all that weighs you down and how you can gain control of your life again.

[Length: 05:29]

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Bio | Dr. Josh Anderson

Dr. Josh Anderson is a pastor, speaker, professor, and leader. He served 14 years as Dean of Students at Phoenix Seminary.

He now serves as the Director of Grand Canyon Theological Seminary.

At his core, he is a follower of Jesus Christ who seeks to love God, serve others, make disciples, and change the world.

Bio | Dr. Bobby Brewer

In 2022, Dr. Bobby Brewer [1964–2024] helped plant The Chapel at Reigning Grace Ranch in Rio Verde, Arizona, and led as Senior Pastor until his passing in mid-2024.

During his thirty years of serving in ministry, he served on the pastoral staff of several evangelical churches in the Greater Phoenix area.

He, also, co-hosted a Christian radio show for fifteen years and authored a variety of books, including Postmodernism: What You Should Know & Do About It, Help! I’m Really Single: A Survival Guide for Today’s Christian Single, UFOs: 12 Things Everyone Should Know, and he co-authored A Commentary of Ecclesiastes for the Common Reader with Dr. Darryl DelHousaye.

Bio | Dr. Darryl DelHousaye

Dr. Darryl DelHousaye is a renowned expository Bible Teacher who is able to communicate effectively to all generations.

He has over 50 years of local church experience, starting as a youth pastor at Grace Community Church and then as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of San Lorenzo Valley.

Most recently, he served as Senior Pastor of Scottsdale Bible Church for 25 years and as President and Professor of Practical Theology at Phoenix Seminary where he now serves as Chancellor.

Bio | Willie Dudley

Willie Dudley is the Director of Men’s & Marriage Ministries at SBC – Fountain Hills.

Over the years, Willie has been involved in leading relationship groups and teaching Bible-focused sermons. Prior to his role at SBC, Willie coached high school football and was influential in the growth of teenagers as they matured into young men.

Willie’s heart is to teach strong biblical doctrine in ways that will promote relational growth in Christ Jesus.

Bio | Pastor Clayton Wilfer

Pastor Clayton Wilfer has a passion for sharing the Gospel message in a simple, easy to understand manner. His teachings are firmly biblically-grounded.

He has served a Senior Pastor of JOY Church in Fountain Hills, Arizona, for over 5 years. Before that, he served as pastor at Word of Life Church in Upsala, Minnesota.

Bio | Pastor Rich Griffith

Pastor Rich Griffith takes the Gospel message and the hope of Jesus to the people of Latin America.

Prior to being called to serve God in ministry, He served as Campus Pastor of SBC – Fountain Hills and played professional sports.

Now, he plays on a different field in service of the Lord and strives to make Jesus known in the local community and throughout the farthest reaches of the world.

Bio | Kelly Morris

Kelly Morris is a Licensed Psychotherapist for the State of Arizona who provides faith-based counseling for people struggling with a variety of life’s difficulties.